Colocation VS Cloud

June 15, 2021

Colocation VS Cloud

Are you looking for a hosting solution but can't decide between colocation and cloud? Let's compare these two options and help you make an informed decision.


First things first, let's talk about the cost. Colocation requires you to purchase and maintain your own hardware and software, which can add up quickly. On the other hand, cloud hosting providers offer scalable and customizable plans, meaning you only pay for what you use.

According to a study by Computer Economics, the average cost of colocation is $1,024 per month, while cloud hosting starts at just $5 per month.

Winner: Cloud


Scalability is essential for businesses that expect rapid growth or fluctuating traffic. While colocation provides a fixed amount of resources, cloud hosting offers the ability to scale up or down based on demand.

In fact, according to Statista, the cloud computing market is forecasted to reach $258 billion by 2024, demonstrating the increasing demand for scalable hosting solutions.

Winner: Cloud


When it comes to security, both colocation and cloud hosting have their advantages and disadvantages. Colocation allows you to physically control and secure your hardware, while cloud hosting providers offer advanced security measures such as firewalls and DDoS protection.

Ultimately, the level of security depends on the measures taken by the hosting provider and the individual user.

Winner: Tie


Downtime can be costly for businesses, which is why reliability is crucial. Colocation infrastructure is reliable, but dependent on your own hardware and maintenance. Cloud hosting services provide a more reliable and redundant infrastructure, often with a service uptime of 99.9%.

According to a study by Cisco, cloud data centers will process 94% of workloads by 2021, demonstrating the increasing reliability and dominance of cloud hosting.

Winner: Cloud


Overall, cloud hosting offers numerous advantages in terms of cost, scalability, and reliability. However, colocation may be a better option for businesses with specific hardware and software requirements.

Ultimately, the decision between colocation and cloud hosting depends on several factors such as budget, scalability needs, security, and reliability requirements.

So, what's your verdict? Will it be colocation or cloud?


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